Chinese Herbal Medicine
About Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine is a form of treatment under the umbrella of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese Herbal Medicine can be used independently or in conjunction with Acupuncture treatment to support a patient and their symptoms.
It is often said that Chinese Herbal Medicine can be seen as the ‘homework’ after the ‘lesson’ in Acupuncture. Chinese Herbal Medicine is prescribed specifically for the patient’s symptoms in an individual formula which includes a number of single Chinese Herbs.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is an ideal option for patient’s who are needle phobic and are looking for Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment options.
Your Chinese Herbal Medicine prescription is additional to the Consultation fee.
What does a herbalist do?
The Dao Health practitioners are Traditional Chinese Medicine degree qualified Chinese Herbalists and registered with AHPRA.
Our practitioners consider the most evidence based research when it comes to prescribing Chinese Herbal Medicine and a Chinese Herbal Medicine prescription may be recommended at your Acupuncture treatment or, prescribed by itself at a Herbal consultation treatment.
What can Chinese Herbal Medicine be used to treat?
Chinese Herbal Medicine has the ability to manage a range of symptoms and patterns in the body including:
- Stress support
- Skin conditions including Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
- Digestive symptoms including bloating
- Sleep support
- Headaches
Depending on the patient’s preference of using Chinese Herbal Medicine, we can support Women’s Health conditions with Chinese Herbal Medicine including:
- Irregular periods
- Amenorrhea
- Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhea)
- Endometriosis
- Fibroids
- Heavy Periods
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
- Preconception Care
- Fertility Support
- Pre IVF Support
We will not prescribe Chinese Herbal Medicine during an IVF cycle - Postpartum Support
- Menopause
Request An Appointment
If you are a new patient, please complete the enquiry form and our reception team will be in contact to schedule your initial appointment.