An Integrative Chinese Medicine Clinic for women & their families

The Dao Health is an integrative Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic located in the Sutherland Shire. The Dao Health’s Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners are degree qualified in Traditional Chinese Medicine and AHPRA registered.

Supporting women & their families through every season: traditional chinese medicine & evidence based acupuncture

We support Women and their families through every chapter of life, offering integrative Traditional Chinese Medicine that is personally tailored to the individual.

Cycle Support

Menstrual cycle support begins with educating each patient about the phases of their menstrual cycle including not only the period of bleeding but also the main event, Ovulation.

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Amenorrhea, defined by the absence of a period for a minimum of three months, can be supported to return to a regular cycle with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Acupuncture is an evidence based treatment for PCOS that can be considered to improve quality of life to manage symptoms including supporting Ovulation and a regular monthly cycle.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine methods including Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine provide a low risk and evidence based treatment for Endometriosis management.

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Post Pill Support

Treatment ideally begins 3 months before coming off the OCP. At a minimum, we recommend patients to begin treatment 1 month before intending to come off the OCP.

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Fertility Acupuncture

Acupuncture for fertility supports the cycle by encouraging regular Ovulation leading to a regular menstrual cycle of 28 – 35 days with a healthy bleed.

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IVF Acupuncture

Acupuncture for fertility and IVF support ideally begins before your first stimulated IVF cycle although Acupuncture treatment can begin at any stage of your assisted reproduction journey.

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Birth Preparation & Induction Acupuncture

Specific prebirth treatments are used in the form of a standard set of points to help prepare a woman’s body for birth with an emphasis on preparing and ripening the cervix & uterus.

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Pregnancy Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be safely used as an option for drug – free relief for various signs and symptoms from Trimester One through to Trimester Three into childbirth and postpartum support.

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Miscarriage Recovery

Miscarriage acupuncture treatment and Chinese Herbal Medicine can be used to support the mind and body during this time as well as prepare the body to begin trying to conceive again.

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Postpartum Support Acupuncture

Planning ahead for the fourth trimester not only supports postpartum recovery but also the future menstrual cycle, fertility, future pregnancies and menopause.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine offers a natural treatment option to support the frequency and severity of Menopausal and Peri – Menopausal symptoms.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture treatments can improve digestive function through supporting the Spleen and Stomach meridians.

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Skin Conditions

Our perspective on supporting skin conditions is to heal the skin from the inside out. Practising integrative skincare, in consultation, our practitioners will consider the internal body as well as the skin.

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Period Pain & Pins Acupuncture Community Clinic

Period Pain & Pins Acupuncture Community Clinic

For people with Endometriosis not only can quality of life be affected by associated symptoms but there is also an economic burden that comes with healthcare and treatments to manage this debilitating condition.

Our community clinic will offer Acupuncture for people who experience Period Pain, Pelvic Pain and/or Endometriosis at an accessible fee. Patients will receive treatment in a group setting, similar to how Acupuncture is used traditionally in China.

Dao Health Chinese Medicine Treatments

Our Chinese Medicine Treatments


Acupuncture is a safe and effective technique in Traditional Chinese Medicine which is recognised and practiced globally as a primary and adjunctive treatment for a wide range of health conditions.

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Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a gentle, non invasive facial treatment that improves skin tone, supports ageing gracefully, enhance overall complexion and improve overall wellbeing.
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Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is used independently or in conjunction with acupuncture treatment to enhance restoration of balance in the body.

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Moxibustion is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique where the herb Mugwort is used to support blood flow and circulation in the body.

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Cupping involves heated glass cups which are then applied to the skin by suction. Consider it similar to a deep tissue massage.

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Chinese Dietary Therapy

Chinese Dietary therapy is based on the principle that food is medicine. It focuses on the energetic and thermal properties of specific foods and which organs they benefit.

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The Dao Does Journal

The Dao Does Journal is a collation of lifestyle advice, practical tips & recommendations inspired by the roots of our practice ~ Traditional Chinese Medicine. Our team of practitioners, share their insights on how to encompass these ‘ways’ into your daily life.

When to have Acupuncture in your Pregnancy?

Acupuncture is widely recognised as beneficial in the later stages of pregnancy, particularly for birth preparation and labour induction. However, did you know that regular acupuncture sessions throughout each trimester is recommended to help manage symptoms and...

Where Did My Period Go? A Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation (loss of period) in women of reproductive age. It is classified as primary (when a person has not begun menstruating by age 15 or 16) or secondary (when menstruation stops for three or more months in someone who previously had...

Contraception ~ What Are My Options?

Choosing a form of contraception is a highly individualised process that often requires consideration of multiple factors to align with a person’s unique health, lifestyle, and personal preferences. If you are considering implementing a form of contraception, it's...

When to have Acupuncture in your Pregnancy?

Acupuncture is widely recognised as beneficial in the later stages of pregnancy, particularly for birth preparation and labour induction. However, did you know that regular acupuncture sessions throughout each trimester is recommended to help manage symptoms and...

Where Did My Period Go? A Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation (loss of period) in women of reproductive age. It is classified as primary (when a person has not begun menstruating by age 15 or 16) or secondary (when menstruation stops for three or more months in someone who previously had...

The Dao Health Female Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners & Acupuncturists

Meet your practitioners

Elizabeth Cullen, Molly Burton and Clarice Berry are our three Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners & Acupuncturists here at The Dao Health in Burraneer, Sutherland Shire.

Each practitioner holds a Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (UTS) and has advanced training in Women’s Health Medicine (UNSW). Clarice also holds a Master of Reproductive Medicine. All are registered members of The Australian Health Practitioner Agency (AHPRA) and The Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA).

The Dao Does