Pregnancy Acupuncture

Benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy

In Traditional Chinese Medicine literature, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture have played a role in Gynaecology and Obstetrics for thousands of years, first mentioned in the Ming dynasty from 1368.

Acupuncture provides a low risk intervention for pregnancy support. Acupuncture can be safely used as an option for drug – free relief for various signs and symptoms from Trimester One through to Trimester Three into childbirth and postpartum support.

It is important to note that Acupuncture treatments in Pregnancy should only be practised by an AHPRA registered and degree qualified Acupuncturist due to specific points being contraindicated in pregnancy, beginning from the Luteal phase in which patients are actively trying to conceive.

At The Dao Health, all Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture practitioners are degree qualified in Traditional Chinese Medicine and are registered with AHPRA. Our practitioners have undergone further study in Women’s Health, Fertility and Pregnancy to confidently and safely treat pregnant women.

Ideal pregnancy acupuncture treatment plan

Treatment is recommended weekly in the first trimester until 12 – 14 weeks.

Monthly treatment is then recommended throughout your pregnancy as maintenance and frequency will increase if symptoms arise.

Weekly treatment begins at 36 weeks to birth for Labour Preparation treatment.

What appointment type should I book in for?

We recommend booking in for an Initial Women’s Health Consultation and Treatment at The Dao Health.

Acupuncture points for pregnancy symptoms

Acupuncture provides a low risk intervention for common signs and symptoms in pregnancy.

Symptoms to consider Acupuncture treatment in pregnancy include:

Trimester one

  • Support pregnancy
  • Reduce nausea and morning sickness
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Stress and anxiety support
  • Insomnia

    Trimester Two & Three

    Acupuncture for morning sickness relief

    Nausea and vomiting in the first trimester and into the second is often called morning sickness although it can occur at any time of the day or night.

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine, nausea and vomiting can arise from a variety of causes. Acupuncture treatment is aimed at reducing the frequency and intensity of nausea and vomiting.

    At The Dao Health, we recommend treatment weekly in the first trimester to reduce symptoms of morning sickness. Throughout your consultation and treatment we will teach you how to use Acupressure points to manage the nausea as well as discuss lifestyle and Chinese dietary therapy advice.

    What does the research say?

    A randomised controlled trial was undertaken at a maternity teaching hospital in Adelaide, Australia where 593 Women less than 14 weeks pregnant with symptoms of Nausea or Vomiting were randomised into 4 groups. Traditional Acupuncture, Pc6 Acupuncture, Sham Acupuncture and the control group with no Acupuncture. Treatment was weekly for four weeks.

    Results showed less dry retching & less nausea compared to the control group for early pregnancy. Interestingly, a time related placebo effect was also found for some women.

    Research: Smith C, Crowther C, Beilby J. Acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy: a randomised controlled trial. Birth. 2002

    Request An Appointment

    If you are a new patient, please complete the enquiry form and our reception team will be in contact to schedule your initial appointment.