Skin Conditions

Achieving Skin Health Through Balance: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach

In Traditional Chinese Medicine optimal health is seen where there is balance within the environmacent of the body. The skin and connective tissue conditions are no different, like every part of our body the skin needs adequate circulation and moisture.

The skin is the largest organ body and internal imbalances in the organs of the body can result in skin conditions. This highlights the need to consider the entire body’s constitution both internal and external when a patient is experiencing skin symptoms.

At The Dao Health, our perspective on supporting skin conditions is to heal the skin from the inside out. Practising integrative skincare, in consultation, our practitioners will consider the internal body as well as the skin which may include assessment of your pathology results and treatment may include a range of modalities including Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Dietary Therapy and Supplementation to support skin healing and restore balance of the internal body.

Natural Treatment for Acne

From a Chinese medicine perspective, specific types of Acne will have a different underlying pattern which will be specific to the individual. In consultation, your practitioner at The Dao Health will consider the nature of your acne from an integrative lense and internal factors will be considered including your pathology.

In treatment, a number of modalities may be used to decrease inflammation from your skin to support the reduction of frequency and intensity of the acne and support internal factors that may be driving the acne flare up. Treatment options may include Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture for scarring, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Dietary Therapy, Gua Sha and Supplementation.

Types of Acne to consider treatment for:

Ideal acne treatment

Weekly for four weeks and then review per the individual patient

What appointment should I book for?

For females, we recommend booking in an Initial Women’s Health Consultation and treatment and for males, we recommend booking an Initial General Consultation and treatment.

Chinese Medicine for Ecezma

Eczema (Atopic dermatitis) from a Chinese medicine perspective is seen to be an inherited disposition to the disease, however it also needs a pathogen that got into the body and has never been cleared. A “Lingering pathogen”, this sort of pathogen is usually contracted in early childhood and becomes stuck.

Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment involves Acupuncture, Chinese Dietary Therapy, Topical herbal creams and Chinese Herbal Medicine to relieve the signs and symptoms including itching, flaking, pustules and redness. It is important to treat at a constitutional level as well to support the immune system (Lung) and digestive system (Spleen).

Ideal acne ezcema

Weekly for four weeks and then review per the individual patient.

What appointment should I book for?

For females, we recommend booking in an Initial Women’s Health Consultation and treatment and for males, we recommend booking an Initial General Consultation and treatment.

Chinese Medicine for Psoriasis

From a Chinese Medicine perspective Psoriasis is caused by excess heat which drives inflammation causing dryness and stasis of the blood leading to symptoms of raised and roughened areas of skin covered with scales.

Treatment includes treating the internal body by improving circulation to clear nourishing the blood either by improving circulation or clearing heat and stagnation to relieve symptoms.

At The Dao Health, in consultation your most recent pathology results will be reviewed and in treatment, modalities used may include Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, supplementation and Chinese Dietary Therapy.

Ideal acne psoriasis

Weekly for four weeks and then review per the individual patient.

What appointment should I book for?

For females, we recommend booking in an Initial Women’s Health Consultation and treatment and for males, we recommend booking an Initial General Consultation and treatment.

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If you are a new patient, please complete the enquiry form and our reception team will be in contact to schedule your initial appointment.