
Traditional Chinese Medicine methods including Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine provide a low risk and evidence based treatment for Endometriosis management.

Acupuncture is an evidence based treatment for Endometriosis that can be considered to improve quality of life to manage Endometriosis symptoms including pelvic pain. Research provides clinical significance that Acupuncture has the ability to target the physiological mechanisms that drive Endometriosis symptoms showing significant analgesia for pain relief.

Chinese Herbal Medicine is also currently being explored for its benefits in reducing Endometriosis bloating and related pain.

At The Dao Health, treatment for Endometriosis management begins at different stages of a patient’s journey. From pre diagnosis to post Laparoscopy for pain management to preconception care and fertility support with Endometriosis. A number of modalities may be used to manage and reduce the severity and frequency of Endometriosis related symptoms including Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Moxibustion, Chinese Dietary Therapy and Supplementation.

We encourage an integrative shared care model with patient centred care to support communication within the allied healthcare team managing a patient’s Endometriosis related symptoms.

Ideal Endometriosis treatment plan

A minimum of four weekly treatments is recommended, Acupuncture dosage will be considered here depending on the Endometriosis related symptoms. Acupuncture will be recommended in an Endometriosis flare up to reduce pain and inflammation and may be recommended monthly for maintenance to improve the patient’s quality of life during their cycle and hormonal transition phases including Ovulation and their menstrual bleed.

What appointment type should I book in for?

We recommend booking in for an Initial Women’s Health Consultation and Treatment at The Dao Health.

RESEARCH: Armour, M., Smith, C.A., Schabrun, S. et al. Manual acupuncture plus usual care versus usual care alone in the treatment of endometriosis-related chronic pelvic pain: study protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility study. Pilot Feasibility Stud 4, 10 (2018).

Armour M, Al-Dabbas MA, Ee C, Smith CA, Ussher J, Arentz S, Lawson K, Abbott J. The effectiveness of a modified Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan formulation (Gynoclear™) for the treatment of endometriosis: a study protocol for a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2021 Apr 21;22(1):299.

Our Integrating Chinese Medicine Podcast

To learn more, listen to our episode on Endometriosis on our Integrating Chinese Medicine podcast.

The ABC of Acupuncture, Bioscience & CBD Oil for Endometriosis by Dr Mike Amour