Pre-birth Acupuncture refers to a to a series of treatments in the final weeks of pregnancy to prepare women for childbirth and for the most efficient birth possible. Also known as Labour Preparation treatment at The Dao Health, treatment begins from 36 – 37 weeks and...
The Dao Does… What actually happens in your menstrual cycle? “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” ~ Marie Curie Many individuals go through their reproductive years without...
The Dao Does… Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Broth In Chinese Medicine, the use of dietary therapy is of paramount importance to support and maintain optimal health and prevent disease or illness from arising. A well-known Chinese proverb states ‘she/he...
The Dao Does… Why you should reconsider Placenta encapsulation ~ With the rapidly growing practice of Placentophagy around the world, many assume that placenta encapsulation is a healthy and traditional practice connected to Traditional Chinese Medicine as an...
The Dao Does… Living with the Season: Summer We finally welcome a beautiful Summer here in Australia, after many months of rain through 2022. Living according to the season is one of the most important principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine for health &...