The Dao Reads… One: Pot, Pan, Planet – A Greener Way to Cook for You, Your Family and the Planet by Anna Jones
As a recent gift, I have been enjoying reading and cooking recipes from this gorgeous cookbook – One: Pot, Pan, Planet – A Greener Way to Cook for You, Your Family, and the Planet. In this book, Anna simplifies the concept of sustainability and reducing food waste – a conscious goal of mine to continuously find ways to reduce my carbon footprint and support sustainability in my everyday life.
This book provides tips and tools on reducing plastic, supporting local grocers, and eating seasonally. She provides great recipes for all those leftover veggies that sit in the bottom of the fridge that is often forgotten about – We all know those carrots that so often go to waste, well she has lots of ideas for yummy ways to cook them up for your next meal!
All of her recipes are quick and simple, and as a self-confessed average and often lazy cook, I am now incorporating more delicious and nutritious meals into my everyday life.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is a little bored of their current repertoire of recipes or someone who is looking to incorporate simple and sustainable practices into their daily life.
By Georgia Payten